Working Together, Differently
EMP Onsite continues to operate and support our customers and staff by adapting our services.
We have added tele health services to support our clients and their staff that are working remotely or who would benefit from remote assistance.
The Tele-Health program provides important preventative interventions to protect the wellbeing and safety of staff working from home.
To support our client organisations and their teams during the COVID-19 period, EMP Onsite has developed a specific Remote Injury Triage process.
Program Specifications
Duration - Program durations are set based on individual client needs and program objectives
Engagement Cycle - Regular contact on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis
Participants - Participants can be nominated by you, their employer, or can engage voluntarily
Risk Analysis - EMP Onsite is able to determine the workers at highest risk and design programs to suit
Risk Management - Provide employers with protection against future claims
Team or Individual - Coaching is available for teams or individuals depending on client requirements
Reporting & ROI - Full ROI based reporting to demonstrate the tangible benefits of the Tele-Health Programs
Program Inclusions