
Manual handling tips and warm-ups for:

Fleet Driver

Van Driver

Freight Handler


Bulk Driver

Manual Handling Tips

Correct manual handling protects you and reduces the risk of injury. We have prepared the following manual handling tips to help you perform your job safely.

Remember that you are empowered to protect your physical well-being and if you have any questions about the manual handling tips please ask your line manager or an EMP staff member.


We have prepared the following warm-ups specifically to reduce the risk of injury from the movements and actions you perform in your job function.

Warming-up for work or for a specific task is always important, even after a short break or doing another activity.

Ask your line manager or an EMP staff member if you have any questions about the warm-ups.

Truck Driver Warm Ups Truck/Van Drivers Warm Ups Parcel Processing Warm Ups



A functional assessment is a great way of getting a baseline of your movement, strength, coordination and balance. The assessment is made up of tests that inform how well you are moving and how your Onsite EP could help you.

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